Laszlo Otvos, Ph.D.
Dr. Laszlo Otvos received his PhD degree from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest in 1991 for developing novel chemical technologies in order to identify and characterize immunologically active peptides and processes in Alzheimer’s disease and anti-viral vaccine development. Later his research repertoire was extended to antimicrobial peptides and peptidic modulators of adipokine receptor responses focusing on cancer and cardiovascular/metabolic disease research. He joined the Wistar Institute in 1995, and after 20 years he moved to Temple University as a Research Professor in Biology. Currently he is president of OLPE, LLC, a consulting firm focusing on peptide- and protein-based drug development and Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Medical Microbiology at Semmelweis University in Budapest. Dr. Laszlo Otvos serves as Councilor for the American Peptide Society and Associate Editor for Frontiers of Chemical Biology. Laszlo Otvos is Regional Editor for Protein and Peptide Letters and Associate Editor for Current Protein and Peptide Science. An author of more than 220 peer-reviewed papers with over 15,000 references to his publications, Laszlo Otvos is among the top 1% most cited researchers in the life science arena
Eva Surmacz, Ph.D.
Professor (Biology), Temple University; Director, Obesity and Cancer Program at SHRO Institute, Philadelphia PA; expert in adipokine-related pathologies and metabolic therapeutics development
Gary Sweeney, Ph.D.
Professor (Biology), York University, Toronto, Canada. Prof. Sweeney's research focus is on the molecular mechanisms underlying the association of obesity with diabetes and heart failure including the role played by adiponectin and lipocalin-2 in skeletal muscle metabolism and remodeling of the heart.